2023 publications are currently being created. Please see the Release Schedule for details.
Statewide reports with data for age, alcohol and/or drugs, and deer crashes in Michigan. This section also contains information for crash, unit, and person levels in a crash.
Quick crash statistics and a crash watch detailing the frequency of crash statistics in the current year.
Crash data in 1, 5, and 10-year trend reports including information on vehicle registrations, VMT, mileage death rates, cost of crashes, crash type, occupant age, had-been-drinking crashes, restraint use, gender, and other various crash summary trends.
Age data for crashes including information for specific age groups based on type of unit in the crash, driver action, most harmful event, crash type, time and severity, hazardous action, driver gender, number of occupants, and vehicle type. Age group data for ages 16-20, 21-64, and 65 & over is available in this section.
Alcohol and drugs data for crashes including information on injury experiences for drivers and passengers, driver gender, drinking involvement by county, occupants ejected from vehicles, restraint use, and crash severity.
Deer-involved data for crashes including information on county, light condition, time of day, month, and season.
Circumstances common to all traffic units in a crash: month, construction zone, roadway type, rural/urban area, crash type, relationship to roadway, time and severity, day of week, road condition, weather condition, light condition, intersection, and traffic control type.
Characteristics specific to individual traffic units: vehicle type, driver condition, driver restraint, driver alcohol involvement, driver drug use, action prior to crash, most harmful event, vehicle defects, driver hazardous action, bicyclists, pedestrians, snowmobiles, ORV/ATVs, farm equipment, driver gender, person age, and crash rate per licensed driver. Detailed information for red-light-running crashes and heavy truck/bus crashes is also located in this section.
Information on drivers and injured people in a crash: age, gender, restraint use, seating position, injury severity, airbag deployment, and motorcyclist specific.